
About Me

Hello my name is Molly, I'm 18 years old and welcome to my blog.

Every week I aim to share with you everything from my beauty and fashion favourites, art and book reviews to music I'm listening too. 

I have always been into fashion from a young age choosing my own outfits albeit I don't know if fashion consists of all clothing items being the same colour, in various shades, but an interest in beauty and makeup is something that has developed more recently, as I ventured into my adolescent years. However being a fairly broke 18 year old about to attend university, my fashion and beauty favourites will have derived from the high street and charity shops (clothes not makeup obviously).

As for the art, music and book part of this blog, I felt that my love for drawing and painting plus currently undertaking an a level in art gives me a good opportunity to visit lots of galleries, so why not share my experience with those who too are interested, yet either don't have the time or can't be bothered. Now, I must admit I am not a HUGE music fiend, but still appreciate the odd song or two, however I shall be recruiting the help of my sister, Alice, to assist me in this section as she is a major musy? (doesn't sound as good as foody). However, I do love to read so I guarantee that my expertise can be trusted in this area, and I enjoy a veneration of genres although I don't think you'll catch me reading one of those vampire/werewolf/creepy obsessive relationship novels any time soon. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this blog and if you don't, well too bad.

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