
Thursday 27 December 2012

Post Christmas Blues

As this is my first post on my blog I thought I would it was appropriate I start with my favourite time of year, Christmas. And yes, I know it's two days after the event but I'm one of those people who just can't let it go. So as  I particularly enjoy taking a nosy into other peoples Christmas festivities on their blogs I thought I would share mine. 

As I write this I'm realising that I find it extremely weird not writing a persuasive or analytical piece, like I am used to doing as an English Literature student, but just speaking as me, it's not something I'm used to. But a nice change to not have to constantly over think every word you write. I can write sdjaofjwpvjsdv and it doesn't even matter! Sorry about that. 


Our Christmas traditions consist of parma or prosciutto ham and melon, with a side of port as a starter. As a fully fledge 'adult' (still a child at heart) this my first legal Christmas day drink. Although we all know that the younguns  
are treated to a drop or two at this time of year, don't pretend you haven't, but I always felt slightly embarrassed to drink alcohol in front of my fam. Don't really know why...

Presenting....the beast! I know the traditional poultry of choice is usually a turkey, but being on a farm at this time of year allows a few luxuries, here its in the shape of a goose. Personally I much prefer their richer flavour which is similar to duck than that of a turkey. But each to their own.

Don't mind me, just taking in the fresh air of ye old Yorkshire before the return to the smog.

Every family has that one extremely tacky piece of deco, this is ours, props to my Grandad for the stellar selection. It plays music and everything.

Merry Christmas to you's all!


Molly xxx

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