
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Feelin' a bit Arty Farty

Recently I have just started my exam course for my A level Exam and was feeling pretty uninspired by my topic in general which is Inside, Outside and Inbetween.

However, by pure luck or fate, whatever you want to call it, I happily stumbled upon an artist on my sister's tumblr. So then I went and checked out two artists websites, one is a photographer, while the other is collaboration of two artists that work together. 

Firstly, photographer Lalage Snow, who is based in London, did a series of photographs of solider's before they went to fight in Afghanistan, while they were there and after they returned. I hate to think whether or not she had photos of some soldiers of before and there and not when they return as it is a horrible reality. Her work really made me appreciate the value of my own life and the insignificance of my hardships compared to theirs. 

I felt truly inspired by her work and thought it was perfect for my theme, so if anyone else is interested I shall paste the link to her website below.   

I really think that something about their eyes is really haunting as especially after reading about their experiences on the artists website.


The other artist I found is the collaborative art of Cara Thayer and Louie Van Patten who work primarily with oil on canvas. I really like the messy style and use of colours adapted for skin tones which I think creates a unique effect and something I definitely want to try myself.


If you are reading this blog post and are into art I really recommend you check these artists out as their work is really interesting. 

Artists Cara and Louie have their own blogspot sight that I will link below but sadly for any Brits they are based in the states which is pretty far to go to visit their work in a gallery but I will link there gallery showings below

Gallery Locations:

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